Who We Are

Monday, April 11, 2011

In RT Recovery Mode (Almost)

Last week, several members of the Supernatural Underground and I descended upon Los Angeles for the Romantic Time Booklovers Convention. I'm sure I will forget at least one person (thank goodness for edit) but the members in attendance were:

Kimberly Derting
Merrie Destefano
Sophie Jordan
Melissa Marr
Nicole Murphy (all the way from Australia)
Pamela Palmer
Kerrelyn Sparks
Joss Ware

I'd met most of these ladies already, and knew them all from our online fun, but it was especially great to finally meet Kimberly, Merrie, and Nicole.

I'm sure there will be pictures to come from those ladies and somewhere there are videos from the Avon Dusk to Dawn mixer and the RT Teen Day party (look for the video from me, Sophie Jordan, and Rosemary Clement-Moore because I think it probably turned out hilarious). And be sure to check out the Avon Romance blog for reports on some of the great events at RT.

Thank you RT (and Melissa Marr) for a fabulous Teen Day, and thank you Avon for including this humble YA author in all your general fabulousness. I'm still on the road until next Monday (heading to the Texas Library Association conference this week) so I'm still only halfway to recovery time.




Jocelynn Drake said...

It sounds like you had a great time. I wish I could have gone. I'm already planning to go to next year's. I just miss seeing so many of my writing friends!

Helen Lowe said...

Wish I could have been there to meet you all in person, too ...

Merrie Destefano said...

It was awesome to meet you, too, Tera! I had a great time. =)

And Jocelyn and Helen, I wish you could have been there too! =(

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