Who We Are

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bouchercon 2011 Under the Arch

*** Giveaway Winners are ***
*** LINDA and DONNAS ***

The St. Louis Arch, that is. My home town. Ta da! I can go to the World Mystery Conference by driving about thirty miles. Last time that happened with a major local conference was Eyecon '99, the Private Eye Writers of America conference. (This year's Shamus award nominees just announced; hat tip to Janet Rudolph.)

Bouchercon, named for mystery critic Anthony Boucher, has been held continuously since 1970. The location moves around and out of the country from year to year. The Anthony Awards are associated with the conference; winners are selected by attendees.This year it's at the
Renaissance St. Louis Grand, St. Louis, from September 15th-18th. 

My panel is "Night Chills - Making Things Go Bump in the Night", on Thursday, September 15th, 8:30am-9:30am, room Majestic A,B,C. Yes, that's 8:30 in the morning, on the first day. Please, please, if you are going to Bouchercon, set your alarm and come to my panel!! It'll be fun and I hope to see you there--awake--in the audience. We're moderated by Monette Draper (aka Monette Michaels) and the other panelists are Angie Fox, Sarah Glenn, M.R. Sellars, and Jason Starr

I'll also be volunteering at the Bouchercon registration table and staffing the International Thriller Writers Outreach table. If you want information on joining ITW, stop by and talk to some genuine ITW authors. I'm currently on the board of ITW, printed out the brochures, and had a banner made for the front of the table, so I need to make sure the table looks busy. :) Stop by and talk paranormal stuff and I'll give you a Sacrifice: Mortal Path Book 2 pen. 

I've saved the best for last. HarperCollins is sponsoring the opening ceremonies during Bouchercon this year. The opening ceremonies will take place from 7pm-9pm on Thursday, September 15th (roughly twelve hours after my panel, so I hope I'm still functional by then). The Barry and Macavity Awards will be presented during the opening ceremonies, and immediately afterward, HarperCollins will host a book signing and reception in the lobby outside the opening ceremonies room. I'll be there, handing out FREE copies of Sacrifice: Mortal Path Book 2 to the first fifty takers, along with some see-through solar calculators. 

I'll give away two copies of Sacrifice (paperback or ebook format) plus two calculators right now to a pair of lucky winners, just for practice. All you have to do is leave a comment below by Thursday, September 1st and I'll do a random drawing. If you include your (disguised) email, I'll contact you; otherwise, you can check back on Friday to see the winners named at the top of this post. 


Sharon Stogner said...

how fun for you!! I wish there was a large con like this in NC. Have fun. I have own both books of yours so don't enter me. I am looking forward to the third installment! Wonderful UF series :)

RFTC Blog said...

Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you have a blast.

iqb99 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

cate said...

That's awsome. I wish I live close to there so I could attend. I hope you have fun! Please enter me in the giveaway. thanks! kayko1118(at)yahoo(dot)com

Chelsea B. said...

Have a fun time!! :-)


Na said...

I didn't realize there were so many interesting conferences around. I hope to one day be able to attend some of these. They look so fun. I hope you have a great time.

Cambonified {at} yahoo {dot} com

Emily Tardy said...

I hope you have a great time!


CrystalGB said...

Hope you have a great time. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Wish we had more conferences up here in Toronto!

Love to win!


Julie said...

Oh, how fun! I'm not a writer, so I can't join ITW, but I DO have a lot of their books on my shelves! Have fun! I wish I could be there!


donnas said...

Sounds great. Wish I could make it, its so rare we get things like this in STL. So close yet so far. Hope you have fun and let us know how it went.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Amanda said...

Sounds like a great time!! Good luck starting off that early. :) Please enter me for the giveaway. Thanks!!


Linda said...

Please enter me in the contest.
I live close to St. Louis but happen to already have plans for that date. Hope to someday meet all my authors that I spend so much time reading.


Bonnie said...

I hope you have fun at Bouchercon. I wish I could go.
I have both your books and are on top of my too be read pile. I can't wait to read them.


jfort357 said...

Sounds fun!!! Wish I could be there!!! Hope you have a great time!!! Please count me in this great giveaway!!! :-)


Sheree said...

How fun! One of these days I HAVE to attend a con (that isn't work-related)!

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

Crissy said...

I wish I could go, it sounds like a blast :)
crissygreenawalt (at) yahoo (dot) com

Amy said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I hope you'll have a fun time at Bouchercon!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest and have a great time at Bouchercon!


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