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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where "Does" Time Go?

Giveaway Result:
I apologise for the slight delay in getting back to you with this result, but as you can see on my blog, I have been WOW-ing: attending the fabulous World of Wearable Art!

But now, down to business, time to announce the giveaway winners, (drawn by Random Number Integer):

The winner of the Hugo Award-winning, Connie Willis duology, Blackout/All Clear is BobG

The winner of Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan is Vivien

Congratulations Bob and Vivien--if you email me through my website, on contact[at]helenlowe[dot]info with your postal address, I will get the books in the mail.

Thank you to everyone else for participating: I will see you all again next month!


I cannot believe that it’s only a month ago since I was telling you about having just finished the edit of The Gathering of the Lost (the second in my Wall of Night series and scheduled for publication next March.) And now already it’s September, and I have been working on the copyedit for the past few weeks—in fact am just knocking those last handful of chapters into shape right now!

Am I the only one here who wonders where all that time goes? We know what’s happened, of course, because we can all look back and point to things on our lists that we’ve done—but still find ourselves blinking at the speed with which spring has rolled around into fall again … Or vice versa for those who live in the southern hemisphere, where 1 September is officially the first day of spring. Spring!

Sally Sparrow in "Blink"
Now we have it officially from Dr Who that time is “a great big timey-wimey ball of stuff.” (I think I have that right, but if you want to check up on me the go-to episode is Blink—possibly the best ever Dr Who ep. ever, imho—which is where this particular quote resides.

And I know the physicists will tell us that time is actually space-time, which is a continuum, and really behaves in ways that are much stranger than any science fiction ever written! But getting right down to the serious stuff here, as lovers of the speculative, the paranormal, and the downright outrageous—which, of course, all of us who frequent the Supernatural Underground obviously are—I think we can probably all rustle up a theory or two on where time actually goes. Is it the restaurant at the end of the universe, to sip on pan-galactic gargleblasters? Or down a rabbit hole, like Alice? Or sleeping the space-time continuum away in a leadlined coffin? Or dancing its slippers threadbare inside a fairy hill?

So just to liven up the fact that the year’s arrived back at fall again—and/or spring—I thought we could have some fun sharing our own ideas of where time goes—or alternatively, sharing what we think is the best depiction of time in a book or movie.

Giveaway Time!

To help get the ball rolling, I’ve got a copy of Connie Willis’s time traveling duology, Blackout / All Clear, which has just won this year’s Hugo Award for Best Novel (plus an array of other awards and accolades!) to give away.

Plus, since last month’s commenters were so interested in steampunk, I’ve also got a copy of Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan that’s up for grabs.

All you have to do to enter the draw is post a comment sharing your idea of where time might go—or what you think is the best book or movie depiction of time.

And you can earn points by:

+1 Linking to this post on Twitter
+1 Linking to this post on Facebook
+1 Linking to the Supernatural Underground blog on your own blog/website
+1 commenting on my own blog, Helen Lowe on Anything, Really.

Just post the total number of points that you’ve earned in your comment, and your name will be entered in the draw again for every point you earn.

Eligibility will close at midnight, US Eastern Standard Time, September 2—just before my next Super(-natural) buddy is due to post. I will then draw the two winners via Random Number Integer and post the result here.


Supernatural Underground author Helen Lowe is a novelist, poet and interviewer. Her latest novel, The Heir of Night, the first of THE WALL OF NIGHT quartet, is published in the USA, UK, and internationally and recently won the Sir Julius Vogel Award 2011 for Best Novel. Her first novel, Thornspell, is published in the US by Knopf. Helen blogs every day on her Helen Lowe on Anything, Really site and on the first day of every month right here on the Supernatural Underground.


Bob G. said...

Very interesting post. Most time travel sci fi takes the position that the past is never gone, and the future already exists--because you can travel to it and come back. And of course, we all have our own experience of time--which seems to have different speeds depending on what we are doing. I never seem to have enough of it. Your comments (+ coffee) got my brain going for today. Thanks!

SandyG265 said...

I think that the time travel series that I enjoyed the most was Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

sgiden at verizon.net

Vivien said...

I really love the movie Memento. It's a total mindf***. I'm still confused lol.
Commented on Fun with Thornspell.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Helen Lowe said...

BobG: I am glad I got your brain off to a good start! Time is fun stuff but hard to get your head around--exactly the Doctor's point, I imagine.:)

Helen Lowe said...

A classic series, Sandy--and a little like Georgette Heyer she has generated her own subgenre.

Helen Lowe said...

Hey Vivien--thanks for commenting on Fun with Thornspell; I'm really looking forward to writing that story. :) And "I know" about Momento--Inception was a bit like that, too, and another movie I really enjoyed.

Bonnie said...

Hi Helen,
I liked your post. I think the reason why we have so little time is that the cockroaches take it. They are really aliens from another planet and have been stealing time from us for millions of years. They take a second here and a second there mostly when we are busy or sleeping. For every second they steal from us they gain two seconds in their life force and can store it. That's why there is so many of them and so little time.

This is why my kids no longer ask me questions.


Jan said...

Like Sandy, I'm voting for Diana Gabaldon.
She did a great job, of writing realistic events for the time.
There's also Jamie - wow!

Sandra Hill's (?) series about vikings traveling to the present is good, maybe to romancey for many.

2points - facebooked and commented on your blog.

Helen Lowe said...

Bonnie, I "love" those cockroaches and feel sure you must be quite right ... ;-)

Helen Lowe said...

Jan, I don't know the Sandra Hill series, although I don't think anyone here would have trouble with anything being romance-y. :) In terms of vikings, I enjoyed Tom Holt's "Who's Afraid of Beowulf?"-- about a longboat full of Vikings who wake up in the late 20th century ...

Andrew said...

As anyone who has read Terry Pratchet knows, time is controlled by revolving prayer wheels (lubricated with Yak butter), so anything could have happened...

Llehn said...

I thought it was "wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff".

I think time goes to the same place where dreams go.


Helen Lowe said...

Andrew, not only could anything have happened, but it usually does ... :O

Helen Lowe said...

Llehn, I have this feeling that you may be right about the "wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff"--you get a spot prize of an Heir/The Realm bookmark & flyer (the latter signed by me and the Heir map artist) for steering me closer to the quotation narrow and straight!

The place where dreams go--I like the sound of that!

Anonymous said...

A ton of great ideas about time!!! Very interesting! I was thinking about deja vu. (sp?) well would that prove that the future already exists? Sometimes when it happens to me, as long as i dont think about it n just relax, it can last a few short minutes. As for movies, well i LOVE 'The Time Travelers Wife'!!! Wouldnt that b an interesting life!?

Sheree said...

I adored LEVIATHAN!! Is it the hardcover? Because the hc has the beautiful colored maps as endpapers that the paper version lacks (not in color).

ironss [at] gmail [dot] coming

Helen Lowe said...

Sheree, alas, it is only the B-format trade. But you're right, "Leviathan" is a great work of imagination!

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