Monday, March 10, 2025

From The Backlist: "The Writer's Paradox" by Tera Lynn Childs

We're all writers and readers here, so a writer's paradox holds perennial appeal. Here's the great Tera Lynn Childs' take on the theme -- enjoy!

The Writer's Paradox

by Tera Lynn Childs

Writers are crazy. There's no getting around the fact that (at times) we're completely neurotic, insecure, and borderline bat$#!%; crazy. I used to think that writing attracted unstable personalities, but now I'm pretty sure the Writer's Paradox is to blame.

You have to think you suck, otherwise you will.

When I started writing I thought I was a fairly sane person. I thought I was in control of my own emotions, at least as much as anyone is, and there was no way I would be as crazy as those writers on TV and in movies. Guess what? I was wrong.

Crazy Frog
This is what happens when you search for crazy on Flickr.

Over the course of writing and publishing a book, I go through stages of elation where I think, Woohoo, this is going to be the best book ever! (Note: This stage usually occurs before a single word has been written.) I go through meh stages where I think, The book is pretty crappy but I can fix it in revisions. (This is the most common stage.)

And finally I go through stages where I think, I'm a fraud who can't write, I'll never get this book under control, I'll never write anything as good as [fill in name of amazingly talented bestselling author here] and I'll never get another contract again!

This sounds crazy, right? ... The sad thing is--and as writers we kind of just have to accept this as fact--we need that fear ... "

To find out why Tera Lynn reckons writers need that fear, click here.

To learn more about Tera Lynn herself, and the all-important writing, follow this link.

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