Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Treats for Readers (and a Contest)

*** CONTEST WINNER is ONGE. Congrats! I will email you for details. ***

Christmas is always (supposed to be) a magical time of giving and sharing, and every year I try to carry over that spirit into my writing world by creating special treats for my readers. Two years ago I wrote a short story called "The Twelve Days of Stella" starring one of the secondary characters in Oh. My. Gods. (I now have that story available as a PDF download on my website, if anyone's interested.)

Not only was writing and sharing the story fun, but I got to reveal a little bit of Stella's hidden character by visiting her point of view. I love writing bad characters and finding ways to make people love them anyway.

Last year and then again this year I created virtual advent calendars. Last year readers got a new Forgive My Fins teaser sentence each day. This year, every day reveals a new piece of the unreleased excerpt from my upcoming sequel, Fins Are Forever, and on the last day you can request an extended excerpt as a PDF via email.

I love giving readers a little extra for playing along. The excerpt as revealed in the advent calendar will be posted on my site soon, but the extended excerpt is exclusive for those who get to the end of the calendar.

But, although the advent calendar is fun, I think I need to give a little more this holiday season (building up good karma points for a great 2011). I think I need to write another short story. To that end, I have poll going on my personal blog, and I'm letting you, the reader, pick which story I write. Get over there and vote and then stay tuned for short story fun!

Before you go, though, a little contest. Comment with the best holiday treat you've ever gotten from an author (or one you'd like to get) for a chance to win Forgive My Fins.



Teril said...

For Halloween I reveived a prize pack that made my day: It included a Fangs are Forever shirt, three vampire genre book and edible wax fangs.
I had a great time with that pack ;)
I love this series and these calenders.


Jolene and Family said...

I just won Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens and a nifty shirt. I was so excited because I've been dying to read this book and the shirt was a plus. I've written e-mails to Karin Harlow and Sherry Adair and Lori Brighton just to say thanks for the amazing stories and how much I love their work. The best gift is when I get a response back. That is always a surprise and a nice little thing that warms my heart

Lexie@BookBug said...

I recently won a contest giving away 6 books including Grace and The Replacement. I was SO excited because that is one of the first contests I have won!

Anonymous said...

Does birthdays count as a holiday? Because the week of my bday I ended up winning a few different contest and ended with about 6 books :) one was a complete set of signed books it really made my day!
Cassandra C
Cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot ca

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

That's easy. From Cindy Pon. I got her signed hardcover book of The Silver Phoenix and 2 of her notecards from her Etsy store. Btw, I won it here. :D

Barbara E. said...

The best holiday treat I'd like to win from an author would be to win their books - either a complete set or even just one. That is always the best present I can get, books to read.

Unknown said...

Oh wow... being newer to the blogging world I do not know that I have getting a holiday treat from an author yet. I did recently win some chocolates from Denise Robbins though!

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Lea @ The Yearning Mermaid said...

Not so long ago I won "The Irish Warrior" by Kris Kennedy and "The Heir of Night" by Helen Lowe. I was so excited when I saw my Name, because I was never lucky enough to win something. It´s just awesome!

Helen Lowe said...

Sounds like a lot of fun, Tera Lynn--I've also been thinking of a writing gift for my blog followers this Xmas-New Year, only I'm not as organized as you in terms of actually having a number of possible storylines for folk to choose from!

In terms of holiday treats from an author--I would like to treat my authorial self by finishing the second in the Heir of Night quartet! :) And I would love for George RR Martin to send me a hot-off-the-press signed copy of his next book, "A Dance of Dragons." :):) (But only after I've finished my book, of course, because once I get Dance I won't come up for air --or Heir!-- for at least a week!)

A Christmas special 'Girl Genius' where Agatha and Gil get to kiss under the mistletoe would also be mighty fine--just speaking as one of those readers who is always hanging out for some more Agatha and Gil romance! :) :) :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Well it wasn't a holiday present exactly, but I did get an ARC of Spy Glass by Maria V Snyder and she's one of my fave authors and I love her books. It's the only fantasy one I read. I'm totally addicted to her work so when I got an ARC of that it made me VERY VERY happy! So it was a good gift to win just because!


Van Pham said...

Well it wasn't a holiday present, but I recently won 5 YA novels over at Lurv a la mode...I was supper ecstatic because i've never won a bunch of books like that before :D



Vivien said...

I would love to win a prize pack for my birthday! It would be great. Winning anything is great, and a book and swag is even better. I recently received The Lost Saint nailpolish from Bree Despain. It was just last week so I'll consider that holiday-y.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

JenM said...

Anytime I win a book, it's like my Bday and Xmas all rolled up into one. It's an even bigger treat when I'm not expecting that much from a story and it turns out to be great. I think the last time that happened was when I won a copy of Keri Arthur's first Riley Jensen book, Full Moon Rising. It totally hooked me on her books.


Brodie said...

Hmmm, the best holiday treat I've received was winning a contest on Richelle Mead's blog for Valentine's Day. She sent me a YA book and a signed, personalized copy of Blood Promise! The Vampire Academy series is one my absolute favourites, so you can imagine I was happy having a signed copy :)


Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Around Halloween I received all the Night Huntress books here at the SU from the fabulous Terri Garey and one was even signed, woohoo! She also included some swag and a cute Halloween treat. It was awesome!
What I would like to get; an arc of This Side of the Grave! That would be the best Christmas present EVER.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Casey H said...

I have never won anything for a holiday contest from an author - though Susanna Carr once sent me a V-Day card. I would love to win Forgive My Fins =)

Elena Gray said...

This was a holiday treat for me...I just won Mac Liam by Renee Vincent. I wanted to read this one and it was a special treat to win it!!


Onge said...

I haven't won anything for a holiday contest. There are so many books out there I'd love to win. I've wanted to read this book. Thanks for the contest.

Buffy said...

I won a Halloween gift basket with 6 books, candies, and autographed bookplates.

I'd love to win Forgive My Fins. ^_^


Llehn said...

The time I won a copy of Goddess Boot Camp from you Tera :D


A'lina said...

I would love to win books, period. I won a signed book a couple months ago and I thought it was the coolest thing that the author personalized it!

Silvia said...
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Sharon S. said...

Winning a whole set of book by an author I hadn't read yet would be great. T-shirts are another awesome prize.

I am off to get that PDF on your site "The Twelve Days of Stella"!

Christine said...

I just won signed copies of Pray for Dawn and Wait for Dusk by Jocelynn Drake and Mind Readers by Caroly Crane. They are my very first signed books ever! It´s hard to come by a singned copy here in Germany, so you can imagine my joy!

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

I've never received a holiday treat from an author before, but I would love a signed copy of a book from an author! :)


Silvia said...
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