I'm writing this the day before Thanksgiving, determined that on Friday when this posts I will be thankful I didn't overeat. Ha! We'll see how that goes!
I'm always thankful for all of you readers who continue to buy the Love at Stake series. And to show my gratitude, I'm giving away two books today. Which two? Well, they were inspired by this photo.
My son's wedding occurred on 11/11/11, and we ended up dog-sitting their pet while they were busy with last minute wedding preparations and then their honeymoon. My daughter came home from college for the wedding, bringing her pet kitty, so we ended up with two animals who glared at each other for hours through the back door. It made me think of the tensions that might go on at the Dragon Nest Academy where you have were-panther kids mixed with

Which side would you be on? The wolves or the cats? Can't decide? Then you'll need to read werewolf Phil's story, Forbidden Nights with a Vampire, and were-panther Carlos's story, Eat Prey Love. I'm giving away both books, signed, to one lucky winner. International entries welcome. Just leave a comment, telling me which side you're on. Good luck!
Wolves yep has to be wolves....
ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com
Cats! Cunning and strong...yes, I´m on their side ;-)
sweettemptation [at] hotmail [dot] de
I'm very partial to "puppies" so I gotta come down on the wolves side:)
bjkuhl at gmail dot com
I'll have to go with the cats. Mine would get pretty POed if I didn't. He's sitting over there on the bed glaring at me now.
I have three cats, so... I'd have to go with the cats - smart, strong, sneaky, resilient, with fangs and claws.
shauntih at hotmail dot com
I have to stay loyal to my own, so it's got to be the cats! lol.
oooh that is a tough one - i love my wolves - but i gotta say - cats are so smooth and i'm going with them
jennscl at gmail.com
I would have to say the cats! I LOVE both books, and enjoy them every time I read them, but there is just something about the graceful, stealthy purrrr-suit of the were-panther that just makes it intriguing!
Hmm....I would have to go with werewolves!!! :-)
Kerrelyn, that's a toughie since I'm a great dog lover but I do love the BIG cats, they are soooo sexy. I've always said that cats are the boss of dogs, so I suspect the cat would have won in your case but ... hmmm, well, my Rottie Marco would probably never cuddle with me again if I said cat ... so dogs/wolves it is! : )
Werewolves would be my pick.
i am a cat person, so i would have to side with them! i love reading about cat shifters so much more then about wolves..
and i LOVE carlos' story.. would adore to have a signed copy! thanks for the contest!
alainala @hotmail DOT ca
I've read about wolves, but not about cats, so I think I'd definitely like to try cats for once! Plus, I am a cat lover (I have two).
It would have to be wolves. I just adore them...LOL
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
I'm with the pussy cats... and I'd love to win both of your books to add to my home library (1300 books and growing).
NoraAdrienne (at) gmail (dot) com
That is a hard choice as I like both Phil and Carlos but there is something about a beautiful sleek black panther that just pulls me towards that side a bit more.
My thought was exactly that when I saw that picture!
I'm a cat person. Yes they're refered to spawn of Satan. lol But I so love my lycans! The McKays rokwith their kilts!
I've got to go with Wolves, since I'm really drawn to the idea of pack & canines seem to crave attention from people so much more than cats.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com
You make Carlos sound so damn sexy! I am team werepanthers!
I like both cats and dogs, but I'm a little more partial to the kitties, so I'm on team Carlos. Yeah for were-panthers.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
I love Carlo’s sexiness!! He’s graceful, sleek and smooth.. with nine lives and keeps getting larger and larger? Cats it is =) Were-panthers are cunning and witty!
I am on the cats side!The are so much sexier :D
Yep-I have to side with the wolves!The cats have to many advantages.
I'm a veterinary foster mom for cats and kittens. I love their cunning and "I will not dignify that with a response" attitudes!!! Cats all the way! We like to think we are the ones in charge, but they just manipulate us into thinking so....lol
mcowles1@cox.net. Michelle
Wow! That's a hard one. I think both Phil and Carlos are sexy critters. Soooo, why either or? I'll take both!
Hope your Thanksgiving holiday was a safe and enjoyable one.
Thanks for the offer of a giveaway.
WildAboutBones (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh Kerre,
That's a hard one because I love Phil and I love Carlos.
However if I had to choose I would have to go with Carlos because he's Tall, Lean, Dark, Handsome and very sexy. I also love his attitude. Remember how he was on the beach, when Robbie was trying to court his love. He was going to scare her so she would run to Robbie. Pretty snarky if you ask me.
Teresa K.
tcwgrlup41(at)yahoo dot com
I think that there would be a tremendous fight ending in a truce. Both are loveable in their own ways. I would want either of them to protect me.
(Publishing a second time as I am not sure that the first one went through)
Wolves all the way! :)
I've got to go with the cats. I have 3 housecats inside, and our house is a magnet for every stray in the area. I will say though that one can never truly understand cats. They simply grace us with their presense:) LOL
I have never watched someone elses pet, but I imagine it's very interesting:)
wayfaringwriter at gmail dot com
I have always loved Phil so I will have to go with the wolves. I do love Carlos too.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
im gonna have to go with the cat. i used to be a dog person but find myself in my older years becoming a cat person
I can't choose between cats and wolves, love them both equally. =) Such an awesome and generous giveaway, thank you very much for the opportunity to enter!!!! =) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying the rest of the weekend!!!
Valerie Long
Please check out my jewelry page if you get a chance, thank you! Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long - https://www.facebook.com/vsl1974
When I was young Cats (plual) were my best friends. They were their on individuals and though they loved and loved deeply when it was time to go . . . they went coming back just to say hello every once in awhile. Now that I'm old (as my students often remind me) my Puppy (7-year old puppy) is my true compainion. Her love is deep and ever lasting. And she is always there when I need a hug and someone to talk to. Cat or Pup there both dedicated to the ones they love so either would do! Too bad the two legged ones who don't shift are as true!
yep, i'm that dreaded fence hugger. can't make up mind which way to fall. my problem is that i love all your books. they keep getting better & better.
It's a tough choice, but I would go with the cats.
My O My how can I take sides when both are very sexy! The tug off war in my head over which side to pick is a tie! They both have my heart! Please dont ask me to pick, because I have one of those hearts that just can't choose one over the other. See what happens when you write such great characters!!
I'm with the cats :)
I am totally on the Were-Panthers side, normally i would be on the wolves side but being there is more of them around the world i feel a duty to be on the Were-Panthers side cause they need more. Also because im totally in love with Carlos..HA HA
I have 2 dogs and six cats, so I could go either way.
Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday, all that is expected is to cook and eat.
I loved Eat Prey Love, I have read it at least twice, I haven't read Forbidden Nights yet, but I like Phil, he is a great guy.
I have to say I'm on the werewolf side cause I have 6 dogs and your books are awesome ^__^
Definitely wolves - I've always been a dog person! We are now down to 2 dogs in our house, and it seems so quiet:-)
sarahjordan67 at yahoo dot com
Both wolves and panthers are beautiful in their own way, including Phil and Carlos. I love both wolves and panthers, because of their beauty. Panthers or cats in general I found to be more sleek and sexy. If I had chose between, which Were I want to be I would choose some form of cat like a panther. But the pages in Forbidden Nights with a Vampire were more hotter.
Lisa W.
Hemmm interesting question ms. Spark. Honestly I'm pretty confused which side I should pick:) but because I'm allergic w cat maybe wolf would be a better choice. I kinda like the idea of werewolf, mature, cool n sophisticated :)anonymous aretha_zhen@yahoo.com
It would the the panthers for me :) Carlos for sure!
I love them both!! Books sound great, I'd love to be entered to win!
I can't decide! Hot alpha were is fine with me... I don't mind which furry creature he turns into... ;D
Loved both books and I have to say that either one would be just fine with me. So I really can't decide.
Why decide, when I can love both?
I like them both. Love the covers to your books. Thanks for the giveaway.
Cats all the way with me.
I'm a dog person by nature, so I'd have to go with the wolves. Just don't tell Oscar, my huge yellow feline fluffball! Of course, if a sexy werepanther showed up at my door with roses and THAT look, well, I don't think I could say no!
Haha the cat looks vicious! Poor dog :( :P
Thank you for this contest
Eurika S.
I do love them both, but I gotta go with the cats.
I cannot decide...but I may have to go with the wolves. They are closer to dogs which I do adore!
I would have to go with cats, as I am a "crazy" cat lady! with 6 of the furry darlings!
Team Kitteh all the way! I adore wolves. They are so mysterious. But the cat is my familiar, my soul mate. Yes, we are definitely kindred spirits.
Can one say 'yea, I say yea' to both? Hope you didn't overeat, Kerrelyn! :)
This is way too hard as I like both-wolves for their strength and power and panthers for their sleekness and speed.
Karen H
Althought I love both, I just have to vote for the cats lol. Looking at your picture, I think that cat would win hands down!!!
clever idea for a contest I am a dog person so I will go with the wolves!!! thanks :)
thanks for your kind to give two of your books :)
happy writing ;)
I love wolves! I'd go for them =D
Put me on the side of the cats!!
Argg I love both!! Maybe wolves are slightly higher on the list. Maybe ;)
This is actually very unfair!!! I've got to admit, these two are the hottest- in my opinion. I'm an animal lover but sometimes I always tend to side with my pet dogs... By cats are just spoiled and in spite that I also spoil my dogs they don't act spoiled at all... But either way I love them to pieces just as I love the series... But when it comes to sensuality I've got to side on the panthers because they're by nature purrrrfect in the category of sensuality and sexuality.... Hotness
Werewolves!! Awoooooo!! Thanks for the giveaway. Kayko118(at)yahoo(dot)com
I think I have to side with the cats... for now ;)
Can't I have both? Mmmm... I'll go with wolves I think although I'm partial to big cats as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm torn. I love both Phil and Carlos, but I'm more of a dog person...so I'm going with the wolves.
I love all animals, cat included, but I am highly allergic to them.
So I just have dogs and love them to bits so I come down on the canine side and vote for wolves !
Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I'd definitely be with the wolves!
Thanks for the giveaway!:)
justjanhvi at gmail dot com
I like them both? I don't know that I could choose just one team. :-p
Terri m
Oo decisions decisions!
Will choose cats, simply as I have 3 cats of my own, but love wolves too lol
I'd have to go with the cats since I love Carlos! Hope you had a great holiday! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have to with the wolves. Though I have only read 3 of your books. I want to read more...of course...lol
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope the upcoming holidays are wonderful too.
mammy3114 at yahoo dot com
Decisions, decisions. I do like both but will choose cats.
Thanks for the giveaway.
A year ago I would have said wolves but I think I'm more cats now.
Stephanie G
Definitely the wolves. Phil has always been one of my favorite characters in the series. And besides--anyone who can tame Vanda is one awesome dude.
My cats said if I didn't say 'cats' they would disown me!
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com
I love them both but I think I'm cat's side more.
Thank you for the giveaway!
artgiote at gmail dot com
The WOLVES! Though I loved both Forbidden Nights with a Vampire and Eat Prey Love! I'm double standard-y like that ;-)
I'll go with the cats. They are so sleek and cunning that no one dares cross them. They can run really fast too lol.
Wolves *grin* What can I say I've always been a canine lover. LOVE LOVE LOVE your books and both of these are two of my all time favorites!
I have to say I loved both stories, but if I had to choose I think it would have to be cats. I am a dog person, but that story was just one of my favorites. Though this is a very tough competition. I wish I could say I choose both cause they are both just soooo GOOD!!!!!!
love the cover and have to say the wolves but love cats to so both..
I think I would have to go with the wolves side. Im too much of a dog person to be on the cats side :D
l_guerrero0326 {at} yahoo {dot}com
There is something mysterious and wild about wolf and being a dog person my vote is for the wolfs.... hooowwwllllll
Hmm how to pick? Well I liked both books and both guys so this is a tuff one. First, I just want to say that EITHER can claw me any day of the week. so there. BUT if I had to pick I woulod go with Carlos by a hair. (get it, a hair? lol. I'm a one woman show i tell ya!)
BUT I'll always love my main squeeze Dougal and team vamps for the win! *chants* Dougal! Dougal!
No need to enter me Kerrelyn, just showing some love for my fav author and all around wonderful lady. xoxox
This is a hard question because I'm normally a dog person but sexy big cats have to win out.
You are a great writer and I love all your books. Eat,prey,love was great and forbidden with a vamp. Fun. Mona garrett
Felines all the way!
kERRI these books are so wonderful thanks for the love at stake Series im in love with all the charachters. just love them .. now i want to ask you something when will you give lazslo a mate he is a genius and very smart ..he may play the nerdy Professor but behind that scientist lays and sexy vampire just waiting for the right woman.. to swoop him up .. come on what you say time for the sexy genius laszlo to fiddle with something besides his buttons.. giggles...
So on Phils side. Loved him from the beginning and I was happy he had finally found someone!!
I have to go with the wolves.
I've always seen myself as a tiger or mountain lion. I'm a person that for some reason puts myself in the book to relate to the characters. So when I read books with shifters in it that what I always see myself as. I know the contest is over but I needed to put in my two cents. Congrats to the winners!
Kristin B
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