Mercury the
trickster, planet of communication, messenger of the gods, is
retrograde until the end of the month. During this time we might stumble, stutter and lose track of our works - always an exciting time for writers, or anyone trying to remember where they put their car keys. But there's a reason for the mania, an it's a good one.
We are asked to rethink, reconsider, review and reevaluate ideas, feelings, plans and promises. Basically, slow it down, and rewind a little. Reflect.
Because Mercury is Rx in Pisces/Aquarius, the energy is about trust - faith in the unknown future. In the house where Mercury is transiting, we let go of ‘shoulds’ and embrace authentic core values. Ask, what constitutes love and nurturing to me? What is my best path to the future that has 'me' all over it? The most primary way you can improve your life at this time is to relax, reflect and do your thing!
Below are sign by sign tips based on the 'solar houses' sign (your sun sign), or the actual house Mercury is transiting, if you know it. Read both, if they are different. Love to hear of your experiences in the comments!
ARIES: Mercury in the 11th house - Mercury Rx in your 11th house of friends and groups can turn the usual gatherings into a mix of emoticons, all rolling about in different directions. The question is how do
you feel? Allow for a new view when it comes to social connections, and find ways to relax amid the tension. Gems emerge when you aren't looking.
TAURUS: Mercury in the 10th house - Career, mission or profession can feel like a dream time journey, with the auto focus weaving in and out! This is good news! For the next three weeks you let go of trying to micromanage your future and 'make things happen.' Let your neurons relax so the universe can open new doors to infinite possibilities!
GEMINI: Mercury in the 9th house -Travel or study plans turn into the trickster's playground for the next three weeks. Deep breaths. Remember, it's not about forging ahead right now, but finding peace and serenity in the midst of contrast. Take time out to reconsider your world view. Is it what
you think, or what you are expected to think?
CANCER: Mercury in the 8th house - Mercury Rx in your house of shared resources has you reconsidering any joint financial arrangements, both income and debt. As you sift through possibilities, you’ll discover creative ways to organize and restructure the boundaries to your liking. You decide, but not yet. Let it marinate for a while. Go have fun.
LEO: Mercury in the 7th house - Communication with partners, practical or intimate, goes a bit zany– muddled and/or blurred! It's not the best time to come to any conclusions as wires get crossed. Use your gut feelings to make choices that can't be delayed, and ask what you
believe about partnerships. Rethink your relationships, without judgement.
VIRGO: Mercury in the 6th house - Mercury Rx through your 6th house of well-being says reconsider your lifestyle. Is this really what you want, or are you there because of circumstances ‘beyond your control?’ (ha!) Take stock of your nutrition, exercise, healthy care, comfort zone and routine. Start with what you believe about your body! More Self-Love!
LIBRA: Mercury in the 5th house - This is a time to go into cruise control on the creative realm and practice the art of allowing. Think play, recreate and relax. Consider where you can expand your beliefs and live more in the 'now'. The goal is to drop judgment and experience life in the red hot moment. And it will be red hot!
SCORPIO: Mercury in the 4th house - Thoughts turn to home life, family and symbiotic connections. Give yourself enough ‘me’ time to appreciate recent inner growth and development. Ask what family means to you. Home? Is there anything you believe that could be limiting your experience of others? Listen. Love. Reflect!
SAGITTARIUS: Mercury in the 3rd house - The Mercury Rx puts the Trickster in control of your tongue. You say one thing and
they hear another. Emails, sans body language, get misconstrued. Don’t even think about sending text msg without punctuation. But it's excellent for revising manuscripts or creative projects put on the back burner. Go there!
CAPRICORN: Mercury in the 2nd house -
Use this Mercury Rx to get in touch with what
really gives you a sense of peace and happiness, then let go of the outmoded core values and actions. Awareness is the first step. It will lead to skill and talent development that is more authentic than you ever though possible. Expect a clean fresh $$ Vibe
AQUARIUS: Mercury in the first house - Mercury Rx meanders through your home, work, Self and relationship life. Everything! Best reflect on what you believe about what you do, where you do it, whom you do it with. How? Just set an intention to notice the things you like about your life and smile. Exhale and limitations are going, going, gone.
PISCES: Mercury in the 12th house - With Mercury Rx in your solar 12th house, it's time to go 'in' and listen to your dreams. Not daydream fantasies of achievement, goals, challenges and actions, but really sink deep into the depths of your soul. What messages are welling up from there? Watch for synchronicity, tune into feelings, receive.

Kim Falconer is a Supernatural Underground author writing paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA and epic science
fantasy novels.
You can find out more about Kim at or on the
11th House Blog.
She posts here at the Supernatural Underground on the 16th of every month. Her latest release is"
Blood and Water" in
Supernatural Underground: Vampires Gone Wild.