Giveaway! See-Through Calculator - 5 chances to win!
Thanks to the five winners for their comments:
CrystalGB, Eva, Unknown, llamannerdymama,
and Melissa!

Over a beer, she relaxes completely and I'm the one who's nervous. I wonder how many weapons are hidden in her worn black jeans and under the baggy T-shirt that says Bite Me. Her thick hair is woven into a braid down the back of her neck, and her alert green eyes show warmth and attention, but she's not missing a thing that goes on in the rest of the pub.
I set out my voice recorder and she frowns at it momentarily, as if I'd tossed a grenade between us.
Dakota Banks: Welcome, Maliha. You're a tough woman to track down, and it's good to finally meet you. Would you like a burger or something?
Maliha Crayne: No thanks. This week I'm not eating.
DB: Uh...
MC: That was a joke. Your name's Dakota, right? I like that.
DB: Thanks. I love your name, too. I'm glad you agreed to this grilling.
MC: Could we avoid the word grilling? I have this thing about fire.
DB: Sure. Tell me a little about yourself.
MC: The first thing is that I'm over three hundred years old. I was burned as a witch during the Salem witch trials. Usually witches were hanged, but I rated special treatment. Another woman wanted my husband, and.... Let's not get into that. A demon left over from the Sumerian period grabbed me and gave me a choice: go back and finish roasting or become his immortal assassin. At the time, immortality sounded good. I was also granted superhuman speed and healing abilities, and I could read auras, although I don't think that was totally a gift from the demon. All I had to do to stay young and enjoy life was kill people whenever the demon gave me assignments. Sometimes the target was an individual, sometimes it was starting a teensy war.
DB: So you've killed a lot of people. I'm okay sitting here, right? And I don't suppose you can tell me any details about who got axed?
MC: Just don't ask the secret question that drives me crazy. Relax! You're okay. Lucky guess on the axe. That was when I was the Black Ghost. Then I just decided I couldn't kill anymore. It's complicated, but the demon gave me an assignment I couldn't carry out. Put me totally off being an assassin.
DB: You just turned your back on the demon and that was it?
MC: It doesn't work that way. I have to save as many lives as I took when I was the Black Ghost. I have this carving of scales I have to balance. Wanna see?
DB: Uh... Note: Maliha yanks up T-shirt. She's not wearing anything underneath.
MC: If I just stroke here for a minute ... There! Do you see it?
DB: Readers, for the record, this wasn't my idea.
MC: See it?
DB: Just ... barely. It's like the scales of justice, with two pans that are out of balance.
MC: That was carved on me by the demon's claw. Bet you've never seen anything like that before.
DB: For the record, I haven't. Is this one of those situations where now that you've told me, you have to kill me?
MC: Are you always this murder-minded?
DB: No. Something about talking to you just brings it out of me. Now you're doing good things instead of bad?
MC: Kind of a simplistic way of putting it, but if I want my soul back, that about covers it.
DB: Do you have a significant other?
MC: You first.
DB: Me? I'm married and very much in love.
MC: Things aren't that straightforward for me. It's hard to find a soulmate when a demon owns your soul. But I'm working on it.
DB: Tell me something no one else knows about you.
MC: I like bowling.
DB: That sounds a little tame for you.
MC: Depends on what the winner gets, doesn't it?
DB: I can't stand it anymore. Show me one of your weapons.
MC: How about this one?

MC: No hype. It could just as easily have gone into your throat. Ask me about my last interview. It didn't go very well.
DB: Uh, no thanks. Wrapping up, readers. Thank you, Maliha, for this glimpse into your life. I'll be leaving now. Right now.
End of Interview
Whew! That Maliha is intense. I wish she'd let me take her picture, but all she did was give me a handout photo. Usually people give the interviewer a head shot, but in this case ... "I've got your back!" indeed. I guess that's semi-comforting.

The last day to enter is Tuesday, April 2nd.
I'll be back April 28th. See you then.