What better time to look at the Supernatural Underground posts YOU loved the most in 2017, dear Undergrounders, than on the very last day of the old year.
[DRUM ROLL] So here they are, the ten posts that most of you read most often! (We think that makes sense, lol.)
1. September 1 — In Appreciation: Building on the Past and Helen Lowe’s "The Wall of Night Series" - A Guest Post By Paul Weimer
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Paul Weimer |
Paul Weimer's wonderful post charting the development of epic fantasy and extolling Helen Lowe's multi-award-winning The Wall Of Night series was our most-read post of 2017.
"Helen Lowe’s The Wall of Night series stands as a formidable entry in the realm of epic fantasy..."
"Helen Lowe’s The Wall of Night series stands as a formidable entry in the realm of epic fantasy..."
To read more, click here.
And thank you, Paul, for a "Super" contribution!
2. January 1 — Happy New Year, Supernatural Undergrounders
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Huka Falls |
"A major trope of epic fantasy ... is the "road trip" ... and part of the Fantastic Road Trip is that one should visit previously unknown terrain and climes..."
To read and see more, click here.
Looking at those lakes, mountains, and rivers, we can well understand why you all came, looked, and lingered.
3. March 27 — Daughter Of Blood: Meet The Characters
Coming in a very strong third, this post asserted that:"I'm sure you all agree that one of the most important things that "makes" a book is the characters..."
Apparently you do all agree, because y'all rocked on up to read this introduction to the major characters in Helen Lowe's Daughter Of Blood.
To meet or re-meet those characters again, click here.
4. January 16 — Mood Board Magic
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New Moon by Pat Erickson |
"Today I wanted to turn on all you writers - aspiring or fully accomplished - to the notion of Mood Boards..."
Having traversed the "What Is", "Uses", "How To" and "Samples", we believe Kim's post succeeded expectations.
To read more, click here.
5. February 1 — In Defense Of Heroes
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Harriet Tubman |
your mind with great thoughts – to believe in the heroic makes heroes.”
Disraeli, 1804 - 1881
Judging by the number of readers, Supernatural Underground friends and followers must have agreed that Helen had given us food for thought.
To read the full post, click here.
6. February 3 — And Now I'm Just Dating Myself
Here at Supernatural Underground HQ we're huge fans of Amanda Arista's humorous and self-deprecating post series: in 2017 titled The Things I Carry.And Now I'm Just Dating Myself takes a stroll through three of Amanda's favorite 'carry with' movies, with a focus on White Dwarf.
"Ah White Dwarf. How do I describe you?"
Needless to say, Amanda does describe why it's a thing she carries. And we can well understand why this post resonated with you as it did with us at the HQ. To read all about it, click here.
7. March 1 — Cover Reveal & Giveaway: A STAR TO STEER HER BY by Beth Anne Miller
We love hosting guests here on Supernatural Underground so were delighted to have Beth Anne Miller launch her latest cover with us on March 1:"I’m scarred. Broken. I’ll never be the same. But I will take this journey." ~ A Star To Steer Her By
Sounds great, doesn't it? We gather you thought so, too... ;-)
8. July 1 — 5 Favorite Fantasy-Genre Romances

Here's how the post began:
"Early last month, my fellow Supernatural underground author, Amanda Arista, wrote here: 'I know that this is supposed to be an all things fiction blog, but I find myself ruminating on Romance recently.' "
To check out the five books, click here.
9. February 16 — Weird Romance In Fiction
Just to prove our point that romance themes make the Supernatural Underground heart beat faster, Kim Falconer's delving into the weirder side of fictional romance was also right up there in terms of grabbing your attention."Here at the Sup, we often write love interests who are different species, from alternate times, dimensions or universes..."
To delve further into Kim's insights on mortals and monsters, click here.
10. April 1 — The Ingredients Of A Fantasy Heroine
"One of the factors Fantasy heroines often have in common, whether dealing with the stuff of everyday life or the fate of worlds, is resolution in the face of difficulty..."
If that spurs your resolve to read on, click here.
Meanwhile, we're glad that the ingredients of a Fantasy heroine matter as much to you as readers, as they do to us as writers.
And there it is — YOUR top 10 for 2017!
We're looking forward to even MOAR Supernatural Underground goodness in 2018. Drop back in and share them with us. :-)