Congratulations to Juanita of Massachusetts for winning this month's contest! Thank you all for the great comments! Please come back next month on the 25th when I'll be giving away two more books! (Love at Stake 4 and 5). See you then!
I love meeting readers! Recently, I accompanied my husband on a business trip to Europe, and I was fortunate enough to meet some of my readers. They all drove several hours to see me, and I really appreciate that! I gave each of them a signed copy of my latest release, How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying). In Nantes, France, Aurore took me to lunch at a creperie. So yummy!! We had a great talk, then walked about the center of town. When we went inside St. Nicolas church, we were in for a treat, since someone was playing the giant pipe organ. A fabulous afternoon! Thank you, Aurore!
Now I'm back in Texas, and I hope to meet more readers soon. I'll be at a cool event July 20-21 at the Lake Austin Spa. They even plan to have me do a Zumba class with some readers! That should be interesting! Here's the link, if you're interested in coming.
And don't forget the giant book signing at the RWA conference in San Antonio!! It's open to the public! July 23rd, there will be over four hundred romance authors signing in one huge ballroom! Here's the link--
For this month's contest, I'm giving away signed copies of books 2 and 3 of the Love at Stake series-- Vamps and the City and Be Still My Vampire Heart. That's two books for one winner, who will be chosen at random. International entries are welcome. To enter, simply leave a comment below. If you don't include your email address, please remember to check back here in a few days to see if I have posted your name as the winner. Good luck!!
I love your series. Keep writing!
I love LOVE LOVEEEEE this series!!!
Here in PerĂº I can't found them :(
These would be awesome to have. I remember meeting you in 2013 and I am so glad I did :-)
OMG! so happy I saw this giveaway. I have been a constant reader with Kerrelyn since the beginning with How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire. I would love to win signed copies of books #2 and 3, they would just fill out my collection wonderfully. Kerrelyn is one of the few authors that I still have to read in book form. Love my Kindle but it's still not same as the feeling of a solid book in your hand waiting to turn the page to find out what's going to happen next. Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.
love your books==i am alway looking for the new one===god bless yall
Thank you for the chance!
kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com
How fabulous to meet your readers in Europe. Lucky girl. :) Hope to attend a conference one day and meet you too. :) Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
Glad you had fun in Europe and got to meet some of your fans.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu
I'm so glad you'll be at RWA! I live in San Antonio and have been looking forward to this event!
harlan_michelle at yahoo dot com
So very glad you had such a great time on your trip to Europe, Kerrelyn and that you got to meet some readers from across the pond. How exciting. Thanks for sharing all your pics too, it was great seeing the sites through you. Thanks for the giveaway too! :-)
Amy Valentini
I'm a huge fan of the series and would love to one day follow you and get to travel to Europe. There are many areas that I'd like to see and try out the food. LOL
Your photos are fantastic and I'm jealous of the fans that got to meet you... Ya gotta come to NYC one day.
First off, I cannot put the Love at Stakes series down, believe I have tried! Ever since I read How to Marry Millionaire Vampire I have been hooked! I honestly hope that you can go to at least 20 books, I know there is more characters who need to find love!!
If Casimir can find someone, anyone can!!! Thank you for continually writing these books and I hope to one day meet you so I can talk about them with you :)
Come to Tucson and I will buy lunch and talk books!
Amanda Muniz
Tucson, Arizona
I love your Love at Stakes series!! I'm so glad that you're able to meet your fans and be awesome with them!
Megan Johnson
When I discovered the LOVE AT STAKE series, it changed my reading habits permanently. You are an AMAZING writer who isn't afraid to write what's on your heart. I have recommended your books to everyone I meet...seriously. My three daughters now read your books and love them!! Thanks for sharing your gift with the world and for helping me see beyond the status quo in literature.
Cindy Prince
Edmond, Oklahoma
I love this series.
I bet that was so fun to meet some readers and they were thrilled to meet you too. I love when I can meet an author.
Sue B
I love this series and have reread it several times.
Would love to have my own copies so I don't have to fight my mother for them.
I enjoy reading your paranormal series and hope that you continue to write several more.
The love at stake series are my favorite books I would so love to win these please I can't wait to see what you come up with next
hot vampires that don't glow and have fangs, what's not to like, role on the next one x
I've been wanting to read those books. This series sounds like so much fun!
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Absolutely in love with your series! Can't wait for more.
i'm your fan and really love to win your signed book.
with love
The love at stake series are my favorite books I would so love to win these please I can't wait to see what you come up with next
What a great giveaway! I love this series. I only have #5 and 8-15. This would be the best addition ever!!!!
What a great giveaway! I love this series. I only have #5 and 8-15. This would be the best addition ever!!!!
Your book series is one of about 4 that I always make sure to pick up the latest edition. Thank you for sharing your passion for writing with all of us.
Wishes for many more books and lots of new fans.....
God bless.
Sounds like you had a great time and met some great readers. thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com
Definitely looking forward to the continuation of the series.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail . com
I love your series. I'm almost finished with The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo and then I will start How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying). Your books are awesome!
Hi Kerrelyn! I am so glad that you had a great trip in Europe and I think that it is so very awesome that you had lunch with some of your fans!! That would be for me! :) As you know, I am a huge fan of yours and I love all of your books, but I think that How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire is still my favorite! I love Shanna and Roman!!! Ok, Vampire Mine is a very close second!!! Eat Prey Love was also fantastic!!! a switch to the vampires made this one of my faves as well. And who would not fall for Howard?? Wild About You was great! OK OK I know!!! ALL of your books are terrific! I love how you keep the same people around so we get updates on their lives after their story is told! I would love to read about Shanna & Roman's kids when they grow up! I can just see it now - all of the trouble that Constantine will cause & get in to!!! Oh, that is a story just begging to be told! hint hint
sorry! I forgot to leave my details! email is
Your vampire series is one of the best I have ever read. Your one of the very first authors that got me hooked on reading. Keep doing your thing, cause I'll buy anything you write. :)
I hope you return to the Netherlands someday when I'm not too broke from a recent trip to France, because then I will most certainly try to meet up with you.
Great pictures!
Love the books in the series and having great fun reading all of them.
Thank you for the chance at a wonderful prize. Love this series, hope it never ends :)
Love this series!
Thank you for the entertainment!!
I have fallen in love with your vamps. Keep them coming. Hope to get a chance to meet you someday to thank you in person.
I love this series! I can't wait for the next book!
Love the Love at Stake series. This may be as close as I'll ever get to getting books autographed.
Love your books, I can pick one up and read it in an afternoon, brilliant stories and characters.
I love this series. I'm still currently collecting them all. I had to borrow the series from my aunt just so I could read them in order. I have the new one at home waiting to be read.
I love, love, love this series! You are such a great writer!
I'm so glad you had such a great time in Europe. I hope the weather cooperated! And to meet so many of your fans, what fun!
Thanks so much for having this contest. Looking forward to Russell's book!
syltim AT aol DOT com
Love this series.
It is so hard waiting between you and the vamps
It sounds like you had a lovely time in Europe. Welcome home! Maybe at some point you will make your way up here to us in Seattle...
Thanks for the giveaway, I know anyone would treasure signed copies of your books.
Oops - forgot to leave my email:
I love your books!
I love this series. Hoping to collect all the books!
I love your series! I don't even have to read what it's about. If it says by Kerrelyn Sparks, I'm pre-ordering it in book format (which by the way I only do for about 4 other authors). Once I start one of your books, I can't put it down! That's pretty much the highest complement I can give an author, considering I feel like I have book ADD sometimes and flip and flop through multiple at a time. I'd love to meet you! You should visit Canada...say Ontario...maybe even Ancaster. ;)
Love the pictures, so much fun. Hope you had a great trip, I'm little jealous, lol.
Love the series, one of my all time favorites.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Looks like a lot of fun, thanks for the giveaway!
rinib2 (at) yahoo dot com
I love this series!! Thanks soo much for the chance! <3
I love your Love at Stake Series. I have read some of it online but I still want to acquire the book itself. The first time I read your book, I told myself that I would collect all LAS books. I would love to meet you someday. Thank you so much for the great stories.
Kerrelyn, wen are you coming back to Portland, OR? I missed you the last time you were here as I was taking care of my terminal mom. Hope to see you here in Portland someday!
Drools. .... I want then sooo bad! Praying I might win. Email=
Your books are so enjoyable to read. I can't put it down until a I read the entire book, even if it's one in the morning.
Well, I love your books and can't wait to read the next one. I'm addicted!!!!
I'm from Spain.
love the series!!!
Absolutely love your books!
I absolutely love this series since my friend introduced them way back in 2010.
Since then, I wished to complete all the books. And now, I only need 4 books (Vamps and the City, A Very Vampy Christmas, V is for VampWoman, and the still not available book in the place, How to Seduce a Vampire.) Well, I'm still hoping to have them all.
Keep writing!
That was awesome that your fans in Europe got to meet you. If you ever come to or close to Hampton, VA, I will definitely come to meet you! I love all of your books. The ones that I don't have paperback copies of, I have them on my phone so that I can have something to read wherever I am. I hope I get to meet you one day, and thank you for writing such a wonderful series!
I love this series and don't yet own my own copy of either of these so I'm entering :D *keeps fingers crossed*
Love your books. Can't wait for the next one.
I absolutely LOVE your books, Keep up all the great writing. Looking forward to many more good books.
Be Still My Vampire Heart was my first paranormal romance and what a doozy! I was hooked!
Pick me!
I love your books Kerrelyn Sparks!! So, I'll apologize for the entire state of TX for it being so dang hot during your trip!!Hope you didn't melt!
Absolutely LOVE the series. I've read all of them and plan on owning them all as well when I get the chance.
I am hoping to win these books. It's really hard to find your books here in the Philippines. These books would do great with my collection. I just can't get enough of your books. Thank you so you so much for the wonderful contribution to the world of literature. More powers!
I love this series. Thank you for another opportunity.
I love this series! It is one of my automatic buys and I always look forward to your great characters, humor, and the wonderful stories.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I love love love this series I've made some of my friends read it and I know they enjoy it also. Shape-shifters and vampires it cant get better than that. Thank you for writing all these wonderful books.
Hope that you come here in the Philippines so I can have my books signed by you.
my name is sammie lingle. i have loved your books since the first time i picked them up. i find myself reading for hrs an not wanting to put the books down till im done with them. i have always had a very good imagination well because of that i can see everthing that you wright in lots of detail. i would love to own a signed copy of any of your books. and someday meet the person that has made my imagination go wild. im only 32 but i have always loved to read. so in that i love your books and i hope to read much more of them also my email is .
I really love this series and have to say that Angus and Emma are two of my favorites so getting Be Still My Vampire Heart signed would be amazing- though getting any of them signed would be so cool! Thanks for the chance to win!
I really love your books , ever since I read The virgin and the vampire thanks to which I found this awsome series ♥!!!!Hope I can meet you someday, sending you a big hug from El Salvador!!!
(I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy want to win Be still my vampire heart ♥!!!!! PRETTY PLEASE !!!!!!)
Diana Jaimes
I would love to read these two books.
lindahl at rogers dot com
2 of my favorite books from the series! It looks like you had a great time :)
I am really praying for a miracle here. :) The chance of winning is small, but I remain possitive. Whatever the outcome is.
I just received a text from the bookstore that the first book of Love at stake Series that I ordered, arrived today. So happy. More powers..
I absolutely LOVE this series! I try to collect all the books as they come out.
Waiting patiently for more :)
Really love your books.
your books are great too bad you can't write as fast as we read but I think your books would make a great tv series
Thanks for the contest and I love your books!
Thank you for the chance! :)
I LOVE ur books and one day, maybe when I'm old, I plan to go to one of the big book signing events to meet you and some of my other fave authors.
I absolutely love your vampire stories.
Love your writing.
Love your books and would love to meet you one day!
Cassandra Myers
Love this series! ! :)
This series is one of my "to be read series". I have book 1 but I would love to have 2 and 3!!!!
So glad to see an author be just as excited about meeting fans as the fans are of meeting them!
Love this series!!
Love your books!
Amanda L
Love this series! Be Still is one of my all time favorite books!
When reading your books it's like once I start reading, don't bother me cause I won't be responding. Love them!
Oh I would love to win this. Thank You so much for the opportunity.
Thank you!
gcosta AT mufley DOT com
My mom and I love your books! We started a mini book club that's just me and her t o talk about your books!!!
Love paranormal romance
i'm only one book short from the whole set so far and that is be still my vampire heart. so fingers and toes crossed.
I just cant get enough of your books
I would love to win these, such a great gift. Carolyn
j-coverholser at sbcglobal dot net
Love ur books
Love ur books
Adore this series!!
Your books are always and I enjoy reading them.Thank you for having this giveaway. It looked like you had fun with your fans.
Thank you for the awesome giveaway. Love this series <3
Love all the love at stake books couldn't put them down. I would love to see more of them that is how good they were. I am glad I own them so I can read them over and over again.
Love your books, over and and over!
Love your Love at Stake books!
minkydo at
I keep on reading your books and I'm not getting tired of it. Love lots :*
thanks for the chance to win! my email is
I love the Love at Stake series i re-read them every chance i get!
I really love this series I hope you dont break my ♡♡♡ and end it!! Like ever!! Please keep it going!! Thank u so much!! I would so do a major hapoy dance if I won!!!
Wow - Vamps & the City is one that I haven't read!! Luv ur work & would luv to win signed copies!! Thanks!
Email address:
thanks for giveaway
Love this series.
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