Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Halloween Giveaway So Big, It's Spooky!

It's our favorite time of year here in the Supernatural Underground, and we couldn't let it pass without handing out a few treats!

For our Frightfully Delightful All Hallows Giveaway, three (3) lucky readers will receive a total of 13 books apiece! That's right, this year, "13" could be your lucky number! ;)

At the bottom of this post, you'll find a Rafflecopter entry for this wickedly good giveaway. You enter by leaving us a blog comment that answers one simple question regarding the evening of October 31st, and you can get extra entries by following us on Twitter, or visiting our Facebook page (up to 3 entries per person). That's it!

Here's a list of the books that three lucky winners will receive: 


PATH OF THE STRAY, ROAD TO THE SOUL and JOURNEY BY NIGHT (ebook bundle) by Kim Falconer



FEAST by Merrie Destefano

COLD IRON by Stina Leicht

MISERERE by Teresa Frohock

We'll even throw in some candy and some swag, because we LOVE handing out treats! So go ahead, get to entering... contest starts right now, and closes on October 31st!

And hey, spread the word. You don't want to invite tricks instead of treats, now do you? ;)



Gretl said...

I always call it Halloween. Samhain is problematic because I know I pronounce it wrong.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Well, I usually just say Halloween, because it's easier! lol! But I do LOVE all the names!

Annie said...

All Hallow's Eve.

Bethany C. said...

I vacillate between Halloween and Samhain. I have never called it (or known anyone who called it) All Hallow's Eve.

Terri Garey said...

Samhain is so counter-intuitive, because it sounds nothing like it's spelled! (Sow -wen)

Debby said...

I would go with Samhain but my kids know it as Halloween.

thpeck said...

I grew up with Halloween, but I actually like Samhain better (especially if I knew how to say it correctly).

Susan Light said...

It's always been Halloween!

Clickner said...

I prefer Halloween.

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

I always think of it as Samhain but usually end up calling it Halloween since that is what most people I know also use.

Unknown said...

This would make my year!

Unknown said...

Omg this would be awesome

freddie said...

It's always been Halloween to me, so I prefer Halloween. dwelchert at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I just learned how to pronounce Samhain. Thank goodness for the Dictionary app. It has a speaker icon you click on and hear the word!!

Unknown said...

Halloween for me

Mary Crosson said...

Halloween here. I like All Hallow's Eve the best; it definitely sounds the most exotic and spooky, but no one would know what I'm talking about. I don't think I could seriously refer 'Samhain' without feeling like a character from the show Portlandia. Alas, that leaves boring old Halloween.

Unknown said...

I like all three options and have used them all.

Paula Jean said...

IT is Halloween for me.

donnas said...


Unknown said...

I've always called it Halloween, but I have been known to read a lot of books and have heard it called All Hallow's Eve and Samhain.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I like Samhain but I usually call it Halloween. Otherwise most people I talk to wouldn't know what I'm saying! LOL

Anonymous said...

Halloween but all is fine with me

alicia said...

I mostly say Halloween but absolutes love the sound of "all hallows eve" and use it occasionally, depending on the tone of the conversation.

Meredith said...

Around here, we call it "Jen's Birthday!" (my sis). I have always been partial to Halloween though.

Unknown said...

I honestly prefer to call October 31 All Hollows Eve, but my daughter prefers to call it Halloween or Trick-or-Treat Night....

Unknown said...

I grew up calling it Halloween and I guess it stuck.

Mindy said...

Halloween or Samhain :)

Mindy :)

Proxyfish @ Books by Proxy said...

Generally Halloween although All Hallows Eve tends to drop into my conversations now and again... probably when I'm failing to be dry and comedic.

Barbara E. said...

It's always been Halloween to me, or my birthday eve as well. :D

Anonymous said...

Excellent and fun giveaway

Anonymous said...

I've always said Halloween

Unknown said...

I like how October 31 is referred to as All Hallows Eve.

SaraC said...

I call it Halloween

maxima said...

Halloween for me

Unknown said...

I like to call it All Hallows Eve!

Unknown said...

Well, I'm quite unoriginal so I've always called Halloween well Halloween. I didn't know there was other names! Maybe because where I'm from Halloween wasn't a big deal until several years ago. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mia said...

I generally use 'Halloween', but if I'm talking to another nerdy toad like me, I might throw in the other two.

TxJacey said...

I usually call it Halloween :). I love it because it is so close to Fet Ghede.

Denise Elrod said...

I have always called it Halloween. Too set in my ways now to change!!

Beth said...

Ive always said Halloween. Thanks for the chance

Libby Dodd said...


Unknown said...

Halloween or Samhain

Doris said...

I actually prefer All Hallows Eve ... now that I've learnt that it is NOT Old Hallows Eve ... ;P

Sharron said...

I use all three, depending on who I'm talking to. I like All Hallows Eve the most, though, because it sounds spookiest.

Anonymous said...

I've always called it Halloween.

Jennifer H. said...

I always mispronounce Samhain, so I just say Halloween

Sue said...

Halloween for me

Kelly Smith Reviews said...

I go between Halloween and All Hallow's Eve, depending on the context of the conversation.