Over the past few years, I’ve nominated an annual blogging theme for my Supernatural Underground posts – and this year’s theme is Magic Systems in Fantasy.
My secondary theme is “Fun With Friends”, with the aim being to talk with fellow authors about the magic in their writing.
As with most authors, I’m a reader as well as a
writer – and like many others readers I was swept up in the magic of Kristin Cashore’s
first novel, Graceling.
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So it feels very right to bring you another interview with Kristin today, which although it highlights Winterkeep, also focuses on the magic of Kristin’s Graceling Realm world.
Welcoming Kristin Cashore: In Conversation On Magic Systems in Winterkeep & the GRACELING REALM Series
HL: Welcome to the Supernatural
Underground, Kristin. I'm so pleased you're able to be with us today, to talk
magic in Winterkeep and your Graceling Realm world.
The Graceling
Realm series involves several
realms, from the Seven Kingdoms, the Dells and Pikkia, and now the Torla
continent that includes Winterkeep. How important is the associated magic in
making each realm distinct, but also connected?
Kristin: It’s true that as I’ve expanded my world to include new realms, I’ve given each part of the world a distinct kind of magic — and you’re absolutely right, I’ve tried to make the different kinds of magic feel connected, or all-of-a-piece. I’ve created thematic links between them, in the hopes that my readers will be more willing to come along for the ride.
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Most recently, with Winterkeep, I’ve
established a world that contains telepathic sea creatures called silbercows
(who happen to be bluish-purple) and telepathic “blue foxes” (though only the
kits are pure blue; the adults turn gray). So, I’m continuing the theme of
significant colors, of telepathy, and of powerful animals in the natural world.
Humans, of course, are animals in the natural world, so it’s made sense to me
that some of these powers rest in humans, while some rest in non-human animals.
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As I continue to write in the Graceling Realm (which is my intention), it’ll be interesting to see the dramas and conflicts that arise between characters as the magics of different parts of the world begin to mix more. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’m excited to find out.
Helen: I’ll put my hand up for being very excited to
see what happens, too. I also love the connection between color and magic,
which creates a bright thread through the Graceling Realm books. In Winterkeep you’ve not only introduced a realm that has unique
powers associated with the natural world, but one that is geographically
distinct. To what extent is this a ‘shift’ away from the earlier Graceling
Kristin: It’s a shift in that this is the first Graceling Realm book I’ve written in which the magical power resides only in non-human animals. There are some Gracelings in the book — humans with magical powers — because they’ve traveled to Winterkeep from other parts of the world. But in Winterkeep, humans aren’t born with magic. The telepathic silbercows and blue foxes possess the only magic native to the Torlan continent. But again, humans are animals and part of the natural world — we (most of us anyway) merely like to imagine ourselves separate! — so while I’m not going to pretend there isn’t a distinction between a human with magical fighting abilities and a sea creature who can talk with her mind, I do see them existing on the same plane.
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Helen: Winterkeep is also a “winter world” (which I love!). To what extent was the world and its magical elements shaped or influenced by your Arctic Circle Residency in 2018?
Kristin: My Arctic Circle Residency was one of the absolute best experiences of my life. For two weeks in October, I lived on a tall ship with a bunch of other artists and a small, excellent crew, sailing around Svalbard in the Arctic Circle. Every day, once or twice, we climbed into zodiacs and visited the land. It snowed a lot. I saw glaciers, mountains, whales, walruses, fresh polar bear prints on a regular basis. I saw the northern lights; we sailed through sheets of ice; seals visited us while we were in the zodiacs. We learned to work the sails; I climbed the mast (which was terrifying!). Also, our ship, the Antigua, was easily the most beautiful home I’ve ever had.
Winterkeep: early planning |
Helen: I am so glad to learn there is another Graceling Realm novel coming soon! And I love the way Winterkeep ends with a question, “Are you ready for a little magic?” Yet sometimes magic, like other aspects of storytelling, can surprise the author. Where there any surprises for you in the magic of Winterkeep? Or the other Graceling Realm novels for that matter?
Kristin: Magic creates so many problems for authors!
Or at least, it does for me. When you’re writing a book, you’re trying to
create challenges that are difficult for characters to resolve. People are
keeping secrets from each other, or they face difficult physical or mental
challenges. But — if your book is full of characters who can read minds, then
suddenly it becomes awfully easy for those characters to figure out the
secrets. If it contains characters who can control minds — suddenly those
characters have an enormous advantage over everyone else. If it contains
characters who win every fight — how are those fights ever going to be
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I especially had this problem in Fire and in Bitterblue,
each of which contains a (different) powerful mindreader. At one point in Bitterblue, I had to go so far as to
give my mindreader a serious illness, just to get him out of the way for a
while! The illness fit the character and worked at that moment, so I think it
ended up okay — but that’s the challenge. You have to find solutions for the
problems you’ve created for yourself, solutions that fit the character and the
world. Solutions that the reader will go along with.
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I suppose I’ve written
enough of these books at this point that I’m never exactly surprised when my
magic creates tangles for me, but it is often hard to predict where it will
happen. In Winterkeep, the telepathy of the blue foxes was complicated
by the fact that blue foxes, by nature, often lie to humans and to each other.
So, humans have particular ideas about how their telepathic power works — but
that’s because the blue foxes have been lying to the humans. How their power actually works is a whole other story. Conveying that to
the reader got very thorny while I was writing! With every revision, I tried to
simplify and clarify the foxes’ magic more. It’s a lot of work to get the magic
in your books to seem seamless to the reader. I’m never surprised that it’s a
lot of work, but I’m often surprised by where the tangles arise!
Helen: One of Bitterblue’s defining characteristics, in a world shaped by magic, is that she doesn’t possess magical ability – abilities in which, conversely, heroines like Katsa and Fire excel. I have always enjoyed that contrast, which manifests again in Winterkeep. How central do you feel magical elements need to be in, in order to make fantasy storytelling rock?
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Helen: Bitterblue is a favorite character of mine, for all the reasons you’ve just illuminated. Nonetheless, I do feel considerable anticipation that the next book will return to a character with Graceling powers. Thank you so much, Kristin, for visiting Supernatural Underground today and sharing your insights into the magic of your Graceling Realm worlds. I feel quite sure readers will enjoy it as much as I have – and be equally delighted to learn that Graceling Realm #5 is on its way.
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To find out more about Winterkeep and the GRACELING REALM series,
please visit Kristin on her website:
This Is My Secret: The Blog and Website of Writer Kristin Cashore
You can also find Kristin on Twitter: @KristinCashore

Photo credit: Kevin Lin
About Kristin Cashore:

American writer Kristin Cashore grew up in northeast Pennsylvania and now lives in Massachusetts with her husband. She earned her master’s degree from the Center for the Study of Children’s Literature at Simmons College in Boston.
Her epic fantasy novels set in the Graceling Realm (Graceling, Fire, Bitterblue, and Winterkeep) and her standalone novel Jane, Unlimited are all New York Times bestsellers and have won many awards.
Rocking 2021 with “Magic Systems in Fantasy” on Supernatural Underground: Previous Posts
January 1: Happy New Year – Ushering In A Year of Friends, Fellow Authors, & Magic Systems
January 5: An Interview with AK Wilder – Talking Magic In Her New-Out Crown Of Bones (AMASSIA #1)
February 1: An Interview with T Frohock – Talking Magic In A Song With Teeth & The LOS NEFILIM Series
March 1: An Interview with Courtney Schafer–Talking Magic In The "Shattered Sigil" Series
About The Interviewer:
Helen Lowe's first novel, Thornspell (Knopf), was published to critical praise in 2008. The second,The Heir of Night (The Wall Of Night Series, Book One) won the Gemmell Morningstar Award 2012, and the sequel, The Gathering Of The Lost, was shortlisted for the Gemmell Legend Award in 2013. Daughter Of Blood (Book Three), was published in 2016 and Helen is currently completing the final novel in the series. She posts regularly on her “…on Anything, Really” blog, monthly on the Supernatural Underground, and tweets @helenl0we
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