Thursday, June 10, 2010

From Dusk 'til Dawn...for your reading pleasure!

**WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT!**  Congratulations to KYLIE GRIFFIN who's won Joss Ware's ENVY CHRONICLES, and to NYMFAUX (whose screen name cracks me up, btw) who's won the books by Jaime Rush.  Kylie and Nymfaux, please send your mailing info privately to to claim your prizes, and enjoy the books!

More great books to be given away, and today we're going to keep it simple. Some people are night owls, while others are early birds... which one are you?

If you feel night time is the right time, then you may enjoy Joss Ware's new series, which will allow you to EMBRACE THE NIGHT:

If you like to rise and shine, you might prefer Jaime Rush's methods, which bring you OUT OF THE DARKNESS:

Leave a comment and let us know if you're a night owl or an early bird, and feel free to say which set of books you'd prefer.  Two lucky winners will be announced before dawn on July 11th!

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I am definitely a night owl. It's the only time each day that I am completely alone, no kids, no husband, just me and my books. heaven. So, I guess the Embrace the Night series would be for me. I just discovered this blog , LOVE it :-)

Lorna said...

Love Joss Ware!!!

Unknown said...

I'm a night owl by nature, but being a mommy makes that difficult, so I've adapted.

emily-casey AT comcast DOT net

Unknown said...

Oh, and I think I prefer Jaime Rush's books. Thanks!

Tez Miller said...

I get more reading done at night, so Night Owl I am! Would love to receive the Joss Ware books, please - and NIGHT BETRAYED is now available for pre-order on Amazon :-)

CrystalGB said...

I am more of an early bird because I have to get up early every day for work.
I would love to have Jaime Rush's books. I have Colleen's books. :)

Natasha A. said...

Early Bird! I am more productive!

StacyUFI said...

Im defiantly a night owl because it allows me to sit and relax since my kids are in bed. It is my me time..

Embrace the Darkness would be my choice since I haven't read them yet. :)

EllisRR said...

I am a Night Owl to the core. Any time I have more than 1 day off work, my natural time clock creeps to the dark hours. It makes my first day back at work after vacations really interesting!

RagDollVampGirl said...

I'm A Night Owl! Yep, As Soon As 11 PM Hits I Come To Life! I Sit And Read And Write And Listen To Music! :)

I Would Definately Enjoy Embrace The Darkness Series By Joss Ware..



Nicole said...

I am a total night owl!! I hate waking up early, and I despise the morning!

Kylie Griffin said...

I'm a night owl by nature but have had to switch to be a morning bird because by the time I get home form work I feel less than creative!

So to keep fresh for my writing I'm up anywhere between 4-5am to get in a few hours of writing before heading off to work.

I Embrace the Night Eternal - can you tell I'm a Joss Ware fan? :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a night person I hate waking up in the morning

Cassie c

Unknown said...

I'm an early bird. I've been know send emails at 4am. I think better, maybe because that's the only time everyone in my house is asleep.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely not a morning person ... If I wake up early, it takes me until about noon to get to the point where I'm even remotely sociable, LOL!

Dana R. said...

Night owls, unite!

I hate mornings, my energy levels definitely go up as the day winds down.

Love Joss Ware!

Tanya said...

I'm a night owl at heart. It's my me time. But I have four kids so I have to be up early and I'm not cranky like my husband in the morning. I would love the Embrace the Night series. Thanks guys;-)

Anonymous said...

Wish to be a night owl, but during the week have to be an early bird, because I have to go to work. Miss reading longer at night because I have to get up early the next morning.


Elaine G said...

I'm a night owl.
I wait until the last possibly minute to get up in the morning.I just can't get motivated early in the morning.
But I suppose if I didn't stay up real late I'd have less trouble getting up in the morning :)

I'd love to win Joss Ware's books.

Jody H. said...

Definitely a night owl! I work nights and even on my nights up I stay up all night reading. Haven't read Joss Ware yet but would love to win a book to try out.

Jenny and Aaron's Baby Blog said...

I'm a night owl. Unfortunately with a little one morning comes way to soon. I would love Joss Ware's books!


KayChick said...

Can one be both? I mean, I read late at night and sometimes into the early hours of the morning if the book has me gripped in its thrall.. Oh, and I've had a tonne of coffee :P But I would say I'm more of a Night Owl anyway :)

Toadee said...

I only truly come alive at night, a time when all my sins are hidden and my deeds are in shadow. Night is my friend, it cradles me and keeps me safe, it hides me from the day which brings painful reality.

besides which, most of my on line friends are on the other side of the globe from me so it's the best time to socialise :)

Tracey O'Hara said...

I am definately a night owl - but trying to changemy ways. Am supposed to start work at 7am.

red_reaper said...

I am definitely a night owl I rarely go to bed before 2 a.m. but if I don't have anywhere to be in the morning it is perfectly normal for me to go to bed around dawn. I would love the Jaime Rush books though.

Michele said...

I am a night owl. I have a headlamp that I wear to read at night so that I don't disturb my husband because he has to get up so much earlier than I do. I don't know what I would do without my lights. There is nothing like reading a book that goes bump in the night in the dark!!

Lauren said...

I'm definitely a night owl. Studying tends to keep me up and then I'm just stuck in that schedule. Plus I love the night time. Also love Joss Ware!

Unknown said...

I'm a combination of the two: I'm definitely a night owl, am the most creative at night and don't go to sleep before 1-2 am, but since it gets light and sunny quite soon I wake up around 7-8 am and can't go back to sleep even on the weekends.

I would be happy with either sets of books.

Thank you! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Terri Garey said...

Well, we started out pretty evenly divided, but I think the night owls are taking over!

Personally, I'm an early bird out of habit, and a night owl when there's something fun to do! I'm one of those annoying people who's at my best in the morning, though I try not to be TOO cheerful about it! :)

Bothersome Words said...

It's gone midnight and I am still working. I work better in the evenings than during the day and for some reason, when I am working to particularly tight deadlines, extra late nights make early starts (to work through to another late night the next day) a lot easier than sleeping in.

I think that makes me a night owl - even though the night owl sometimes helps the early bird kick in!

It's usually books keeping me up - I'm either editing them, reading them, or listening to them. Cannot get to sleep - at any hour - without a story-fix!

Joss Ware said...

I don't think I'm either one! I don't like to get up really early, but I also don't usually stay up too late. Yes, I am a wuss!

Anonymous said...

It depends on my 4yr old...if she's in bed early, I can read til the wee hrs of the night. This morning, I was up at 7am and after seeing the husband off, I was able to get in a couple of wonderful quiet hours of reading. Send me more books to read please! said...

I'm a night owl and i've been wanting to read joss ware's new series

harvestwidow said...

I am most definitely a night owl. Good morning is an oxymoron. What better time to read my favorite books then in the dead of night?

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I have a parent who is a early bird and one who is a night owl. I swore for the longest time I was a noon bird (don't know what that is...). However, I have fully formed into a night owl.

I'd take either set. :)

Kendra said...

If I'm reading a good book I'm a Night Owl!

Anonymous said...

The older I get, the more I find myself shifting from being nocturnal to diurnal. It kinda makes me sad, actually, 'cause I associate being a night owl with being young, and being a daylight lover as being old. Does this mean I'm getting old? *flails*

As someone in transition, either series is appropriate for me, I think.

Johanna Jochum said...

Oh, I'm a night owl for sure! Once my kids our in bed. I can watch my shows and read for several hours. I love it. Very quite! It just sucks when they wake up at 6:00 in the morning though, after I stayed up till 1:00 with a good book!

Erin W. said...

Night Owl! LOVE Joss Ware, but I have all of them already! Could I try the other series?

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Unfortunately I'm an early bird. I'm only 22 and yet I can never stay up real late. I prefer waking up early, not super early everyday, but early enough that it's AM, so I can enjoy my day.

I've tried to be a night owl. On weekends I stay up later, but never very long. It's still the same day when I go to bed, meaning it's before midnight!

So sadly yes, I'm an early bird. And everyone else I know my age are night owls.

Sakura said...

I hate mornings, it takes me until noon to feel awake.

Sherri said...

Both *g*

When it comes to getting anything done, the earlier the better, of course that may be my four boys who wake with the sun. But books. Aww, books, I'll stay up till the wee hours to read.

Julie said...

I used to be a night owl..but now my work schedule demands that I'm an early bird. I still like to sleep in on weekends..but never past 10am.

I CAN stay up past midnight if i really wanted to..but most days I'm too exhausted to even try. lol.

Tori Lennox said...

I am a total night owl! And I'd love the Joss Ware books! :)

Janefan said...

I guess I'm more night owl than early bird - I love to sleep in. And I'd love to win the Joss Ware books!

Sharon S. said...

Night owl. I prefer to work out at night. I've got Ware's book. So I would like to try Rush. I don't recall seeing her on the authors list! Must go investigate!

Anonymous said...

I would love the Joss Ware books, I am a night owl by nature but since having kids the latest I can stay up is about 1AM because they get up so early.

Unknown said...

Night owl.

Buffy said...

I'm a night owl. Sleeping during the night seems like a waste. I don't have a preference on the series, they both look good!

Melody said...

O a night owl has more fun! So EMBRACE THE NIGHT would be yummy!!

iokijo said...

Night owl.. always have been. Sounds like the Embrace the Night would fit fine, but either would be great..
Thanks for the chance to try "new to me" authors..
Good luck all..

Katie said...

I have to say I am probably an early bird. I have always been up early in the morning. I can be up half the night and still be up early. It gets really annoying...


Giada M. said...

Right now I'm a night owl. it's really hot during the day and I have to study. So better at night!
But in winter and autumn I'm more an early bird.
Thank you for this awesome contest! :) These series sound really great!

Giada M.

fabgiada @

Coleen Kitaguchi said...

Night Owl here. I hate getting up in the morning, especially if it's to go to work!

I've read Joss Ware's other series (under the name Colleen Gleason) and loved it so I really want to read this new series of her. I met her at a books signing last year and she was just wonderful!

nymfaux said...

ooooh, both sets look really good!!!! I am a cross between an afternoon owl and a night owl---I am ALWAYS cranky when I wake up before noon, so I try to stay away from people as much as possible. And I also have that pesky problem of getting ideas right as I'm falling asleep, so I either lay awake thinking about them, or get up and work on them...There's something calming about the night--I love reading books, or watching movies when everyone else is asleep.

Alicia said...

I am a HUGE night owl. Both series sound amazing!

Cathy M said...

I am a night owl, love the quiet when everyone else is asleep. Would love to read Joss Ware's series.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Sara M said...

I'm a night owl, especially since I just started working an overnight shift. It's definitely not as hard as I thought it would be.

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Tara Craig said...

Ok, I'm a both ... seriously!!! I start my day by waking up to finish what I couldn't read into the night because it gets so late. I then continue at work. I read as much as I can when ever I can ... at any time of the day or night!

I really want to read both Joss Ware and Jaime Rush ... so both. Hee Hee
But if I had to choose I would go with Joss Ware :)

Sandy Jay said...

I'm definitely a night owl. I love the peace and quiet of the night hours and I usually get to bed just as the birds are waking for the day. I'm going to go with the Joss Ware books. Thanks for the giveaway.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Book Chatter Cath said...

I've always been a night owl.

But now that I'm married with kids I'm usually snuggled up in bed with a great book reading untill the early hours.

Mornings just dont do it for me!!!!

Patricia Lynne said...

I am a night owl, I have such a hard time getting up in the morning and an easy time staying up until 2 or 3 or later... and I somehow managed to land myself a (great) job where I have to drag my ass out of bed to be to work at 6am! I am always five minutes late because I literally roll out of bed (and onto the floor) five minutes to six. thankfully, its not a job where i have to dress up so I don't bother with that!
either series is fine w/ me, I haven't read either so if I win that will be a treat! ^^

Unknown said...

I love the nighttime and hate mornings I would make an awesome vampire. Some nights I will go get in bed at 11 pm which is early for me but just want to read and it feels like I have not been reading that long but I see the sun starting to shine in my room and do feel guilty about that but end up doing it again the next night. There are just some books I can not put down!

Blodeuedd said...

hard choice, hm, Rush perhaps :)

I used to be a night owl, but now at my "old" age I tend to wake early..well define early ;) Early for me at least

Me said...

I am in the middle. I like to get up around 10 or 11am and go back to bed for 1am. But thats only if I have a choice in the matter lol ;0P I can wake up earlier and go to bed later.. I'm just not always pleasant.

Cylver said...

No two ways about it, I'm definitely a night owl. Staying up reading till three or four, then waking up at noon is completely normal for me! My daughter is the same way, a total night owl. Which makes it difficult for her to get up for school, but at least she doesn't try to wake me up at 8AM on weekends!

Van Pham said...

Definitely a night owl, always staying up late :)

any set of books would be great, haven't read either authors...always looking for a new series to read.

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I am a night owl and always have been. Mornings, ug :vampire hiss: I can't get motivated until the afternoon. And I must say, there should be more things open at night besides Mc D's! My kids are night owls as well and my husband works nights so we're all nocturnal here. Unfortunetly though that means my kids are up late too so I'm staying up until at least 2-3am to have me some "mommy-time" and read in peace. And since my daughter started pre-k last August me and Starbucks have become good friends! LoL YaY for summer vacation!!! I would love Joss Ware's series. Happy Friday eve!

Nicole Murphy said...

I'm definitely a morning girl, although this morning not so much... but I get up, get breakfast, get working. I crash at night - doesn't work for me.

Jess Anastasi said...

I'm neither, but I think I am a sleepy head. I can't stay up late, but I hate getting up early.
I've read Joss Ware's Beyond the Night and Jamie Rush's A Perfect Darkness and they're both great books.

Unknown said...

Definitely a night owl right here. I live in California and summer nights here are the best.

I'd love to win the Joss Ware set because I already have all of Jamie's books.

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Night Owl is . . . my religion. There's never much that compares to getting enwrapped in a book way past midnight. I'd prefer Joss Ware's books.

darkstarpoet1 said...

both and neither

for work i have to wake up at 3:45am, but on my off days i still see 3:45am because that's moramlly when i put my book down. that or i am sitting on a fishing pier because my favorite time to salt water fish is night time.

Lori B said...

I use to be a night owl and I now have slowly started the early bird routine. My work schedule changes throughout the year so my night owl ways are beginning to be behind me. :( However, I do seem to get a lot more stuff done now!! I would like to try either of these authors...I have not read either yet. Thx, :)

The Words I Couldn't Say said...

I'm totally a night owl. I've never been able to willingly wake up early (or even function before noon). I'd love to try Jaime Rush!

redfox said...

I am a night owl that has a early bird schedule. So I try to get to bed at a decent time but it's hard. I would like to try Jaime Rush!

Book Sake said...

Night Owl whenever possible...and I'd stick with the darkness (or Out of the Darkness)

heatwave16 said...

I am completely a night owl. I wish the day started at 11am. :)

Wenj said...

Definitely a night owl. Everything is quite and still, no rushing here or there and dealing with outside forces. Just me and my book, the only sounds the snoring of my dog at my feet. It lets me truly enjoy the book without having to stop midsentence or reread a paragraph ten times because the tv in the next room is too loud. I get to completely engross myself in the book and really enjoy it.

But, even being a night owl, I have been wanting to read the Out of the Darkness series, it just sounds to interesting!

Jacqueline C. said...

I'm a night owl all the way! I physically can't go to sleep earlier in the evening.

Deana H. said...

In the summer I am definately a night owl. During the school year I have to double and be both. Although I hate to get to school to much before the kiddos.

Martha Lawson said...

Night Owl, definitely!! I hate getting up early. The later it gets, the more awake I get!

I follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Cory said...

I'm a night owl by nature. However, I have to get up early to get things done and get to work. I'm adaptable in that I can easily get up for it.

As for the books, I already have (and love) Joss Ware's books, so I would be interested in Jaime Rush's books.

CHRISTIE said...

If I had to choose I’d say early bird. Not too early though ;) Between 8-9 is a great time to wake up. Any later and I feel like I wasted my day.

I’d love to win the books by Jamie Rush.

Spav said...

I'm definitely a night owl. I hate waking up early in the morning.

I would love to win the series by Jaime Rush.

Barbara E. said...

I'm definitely a night owl - since I'm writing this at 1:20 am, I think this proves my point. This makes it difficult when having to get up early every morning for work. But that's what weekends are for, making up sleep. Since I have all of Joss Ware's series, I'd love to win Jaime Rush's series.

RFTC Blog said...

I am definetly a night owl. I will stay up to 4 am reading when I have to be in at work at 8 am. I am not too fond of morinings. I would love to win either series.

Nicki1989 said...

I'm a full time night owl at the moment. I stay up late into the hours reading, watching tv, and on the net.

Would like to win Joss Wares books :)

Helen Lowe said...

Hey Terri,

This post makes me look like a night owl--but really it's just because I'm on the far side of the world and in fact I'm naturally a lark.

But when I'm writing the books, I tend to burn the candle at both ends, as I suspect many writers do.

Carol L. said...

I was a night owl most of my life. It was my me time while raising the kids. But I am now an early riser finding the quiet of dawn perfect for reading and getting the day started. Love all books.
Carol L.

Nicole H said...

I am most definatley a night owl. All my university assignments were finished doing all nighters and I love sitting down and reading once everyone has gone to bed and the house is quiet and peaceful (not a very common occurance in my house).
I would prefer the Joss Ware books, thanks :)

Kylie Griffin said...

Thank you to Supernatural Underground and Ms. Ware for their giveaway.

I was absolutely thrilled to win the ENVY CHRONICLES copies! Many thanks! I look forward to finding them in my mailbox. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a night owl. Worked night shift as a nurse. Love the dark. However, I think I would like to read the Jaime Rush books!

nymfaux said...

YEA!!!!! I'm SOOOO excited!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

I just emailed you ;)

Bast said...

I'm actually a night owl myself. I hate waking up early and find myself staying up late. However, when I'm writing, I make myself wake up early. I don't like it, but I am more productive in the morning.

I would be happy to get either series. I read summaries of them and reviews on Amazon. They both sound great.